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 Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie

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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Empty
BeitragThema: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:24 pm

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Ihr Kampfgeist und unbändiger Freiheitsdrang machen die junge Mary Bryant stark. Wegen eines kleinen Diebstahls wird sie 1786 zur Deporation nach Australien verurteilt. Sie erträgt Haft und Vergewaltigung in England, die sechsmonatige Überfahrt und Geburt ihrer Tochter auf einem Gefangenenschiff und den brutalen Überlebenskampf in Botany Bay. Nie hört sie auf, von ihrer Freiheit zu träumen. Mit ihrem Mann und den beiden kleinen Kindern wagt sie schließlich die Flucht. Nach 3.500 Meilen in einem kaum seetauglichen Kutter erreichen sie das holländische Timor. Doch ein Offizier auf der Heimreise erkennt die Flüchtlinge. Mary wird erneut zur Gefangenen. Man wird sie zurück nach England bringen, wo ein neuer Prozess und wahrscheinlich der Galgen die tapfere Frau erwarten. Doch Mary Bryant gibt niemals auf, um für ihre Freiheit zu kämpfen ...

Zuletzt von Brig am Di Mai 29, 2018 2:32 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:25 pm

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Quelle: alex oloughlin journal

Zuletzt von Brig am Di Mai 29, 2018 2:31 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:26 pm

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Zuletzt von Brig am Di Mai 29, 2018 2:31 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:27 pm

Wer Mary Byrant noch nicht gesehen hat oder einfach nur mal wieder reinschauen möchte:
Auf You Tube ist die gesamte Mini Serie in mehreren Teilen hochgeladen.

Ein kleiner Vorgeschmack oder einfach nur als Anreiz den Film mal wieder oder endlich zu schauen.

Zuletzt von Brig am Di Mai 29, 2018 2:31 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:29 pm

Die Historie der Mary Byrant

Mary Bryant

The Courageous Convict Who Escaped of Australia

Biographical Profile:
Mary Bryant was a Cornish convict sent to Australia. She was born as Mary Broad in 1765, in Fowell, Cornwall United Kingdom, a tiny fishing village. Her parents, William Broad and Grace Symons Broad, were both fishmongers and sailors, and they did not earn much for a living. At the age of 19 she left home to Plymouth, England seeking work. She eventually got a job as a highwaywoman where she became involved in petty thievery.
In 1786, at the age of 21, Mary was found guilty for assaulting a spinster and robbing her of a silk bonnet, and was sentenced to death. Lucky for Mary, her sentence was then changed to seven years of transportation and she was sent to the prison hulk Dukirk in Plymouth. In May 1787, Mary was sent as a prisoner with the First Fleet aboard the Charlotte to Australia. During the transportation to Australia Mary became pregnant, the result of a liaison formed on the Dunkirk. Mary gave birth to a baby girl, whom she named Charlotte after the ship. Also on the transportation to Australia, Mary fell in love with another convict called William Bryant and got married with him shortly after the arrival in Sydney Cove in 1788. They later had a son together, whom they named Emanuel, in April 1790.
In Sydney Cove, a colony was just starting off and Mary's husband, William, was found useful. They put him on in charge of looking after the fishing boats. Within a year he was convicted of privately selling some of the fish intended for the Government store and received 100 lashes, and this was when Mary and William decided to escape Australia. Also at this time, a supply of ships to arrive from England had failed and it led to the settlement near starvation.
In December 1790 the arrival of a Dutch trading vessel, Waaksamheyd, provided an opportunity to escape. William befriended the captain of the ship, and from him acquired a cart with navigational notes of the northern passage home, as well as a compass and a supply of food for the escape. However his preparations almost came to nothing when he was overheard consulting with five other convicts about the plan and was being reported to the governor. During the first few months of 1791, the Bryants with their close conspirators continued to accumulate provisions and equipment for the escape.
On 28 March, the Bryants finally had a chance to escape and departed on the Wassamheyd, heading for England. Amazingly, the Bryants survived the long journey from Sydney Cove to Coupang in Timor Island, arriving there on June 5. Upon the arrival the Bryants told the Dutch Governor that they were surviviors from a shipwreck. At first the residents from Coupang believed their story but soon discovered that they were convicts that escaped Australia. They were then locked up and sent to Batavia (now known as Jakarta), where Mary's husband and her son died from contracting a disease. Mary and her daughter, Charlotte, was then sent back to England but Charlotte died during the long voyage.
On the arrival of England in June 1792, Mary was sent to Newtown Prison to await trial for her crimes. In May 1793, Mary was pardoned and discharged, and she returned to her family in Cornwall.
There is little or no evidence about the events after she returned to her family in England and her death.

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Zuletzt von Brig am Di Mai 29, 2018 2:29 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:30 pm

Zu guter Letzt noch ein paar der wenigen BTS Pics, die es vom Film "The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant" gibt.

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Mary Bryant Screenshots findet ihr hier: [Sie müssen registriert oder eingeloggt sein, um diesen Link sehen zu können]
Hier bitte keine weiteren Screenshots einstellen. Wenn euch ein Bild fehlt, welches ihr gerne hättet, dann meldet euch bitte bei Brig oder mir.

Zuletzt von Brig am Di Mai 29, 2018 2:30 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:36 pm

Man könnt ihm stundenlang zuhören.....

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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:49 pm

Behind the scenes trivia of Mary Bryant

• The mini-series was filmed in Australia during the spring of 2004, on a $15 million budget, making it Australia’s biggest mini-series ever. (I would guess it was up untill that time – I wonder if anything bigger has been done since then?) (And remember that spring in Australia (the Southern hemisphere) is from September to November )
• Filming took 12 weeks to complete.
• The ship used throughout the production is The Bounty, that was also used in the Mel Gibson movie of the same name. It is the only ship actually used in Mary Bryant, all other ships were either digitally reproduced or came from shots purchased from ‘The Bounty’ or the UK ‘Hornblower’ TV series.
• It mostly rained during the shoot on the ship, which gave the movie the right look but made the cast and crew miserable.

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• The Aborigines in the film were brought in from Alice Springs.
• Iva Davies (the former lead singer of Icehouse) is responsible for the score.
• Director Peter Andrikidis on Alex O’Loughlin: “That’s a thinking actor, that’s Alex. Every moment he’s making sure that he’s giving two hundred percent, which makes my job a lot easier.” He also calls Alex “a fantastic actor” and “a NIDA boy who’s learned a lot”.
• Anousha Zarkesh, who took care of the Australian casting, is actor David Field’s wife.
• Alex O’Loughlin was one of the last leads to be cast.
• It took the makeup department three hours to cover Alex’s tattoos for the shirtless scene in the ship’s hold.

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• The cast were given two weeks to improve their rowing skills and learn how to fire muskets.
• It was decided that the convict cast should have a Northern English accent instead of a Cornish accent, to make it easier for Australian audiences to understand.
• The water sequences of the escapees in the cutter were filmed in the Whitsunday Islands, in the same area where Dead Calm with Nicole Kidman was filmed.
• The beach scenes were filmed at Garie Beach in Royal National Park, south of Sydney.

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• It would have required a crane to move the beached cutter. What you see is the camera panning away as the actors pretend to move the boat.
• The idea of Charlotte wearing Will’s shoes while she is sleeping with her feet resting against him came from Alex.
• Stephen Curry wore a Stinger Suit underneath his clothes in the scene where William Allen’s dead body was committed to the sea.
• Romola Garai chipped a bone in her left arm when she put her hands up in the air and got hit by a ceiling fan. Production had to be shut down for a day when she was flown to Sydney from the Whitsundays to consult a specialist. In the scene on Timor when Mary and Will walk towards each other on the beach, she has both lower arms covered to hide her cast. It shows when he picks her up and swings her around.

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• During a rehearsal, Alex picked Romola up the wrong way and unintentionally hurt her badly enough to make her scream.
• Alex O’Loughlin drew out Will’s death scene longer than Peter Andrikidis initially intended, but the director ended up loving Alex’s version.
• The tropical Timor set was built at Concord Repatriation General Hospital, beside the Parramatta River in Sydney.
• Peter Andrikidis and Alex O’Loughlin had worked with each other before in BlackJack: Sweet Science.
• Mary Bryant marks the fourth production in which Alex O’Loughlin has worked with David Field. Other productions are Oyster Farmer, BlackJack: Sweet Science and Feed.

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• In 2005, Alex O’Loughlin and Romola Garai received Australian Film Institute nominations for Best Lead Actor and Best Lead Actress in Television. Although they did not win, the production did win an AFI Award for Best Telefeature or Mini Series.
• In 2006, Mary Bryant also won a Logie for Most Outstanding Miniseries/Telemovie. Alex O’Loughlin and Romola Garai were both nominated for a Silver Logie in the categories Most Outstanding Actor and Most Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series.
• The mini-series has also won awards at the Chicago International Film Festival in 2006 (Best Mini-Series and Special Achievement: Direction for Peter Andrikidis)
• and the New York Festivals in 2007 (Best Mini-Series, Drama Mini-Series).

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Anmeldedatum : 10.05.16
Alter : 67

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BeitragThema: Re: Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie   Mary Bryant - 2 teilige TV-Serie Icon_minitimeFr Mai 13, 2016 10:50 pm

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